The operation of the website and the related online customer support service operated by Mapev Building Ltd. involves the processing of personal data in the course of providing support to customers, and we provide the following information pursuant to Article 13 (1) - (2) of the GDPR.
Mapev Building Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Controller") reserves the right to amend this information at any time. If there is a change in any circumstance in the data management of the Data Controller, this notice will be amended within 30 days. This notice will be posted on the website operated by the Data Controller and at the Customer Service Office.
The changes will be consolidated in this notice, which will be published by the Controller on its website and in its customer service.


Privacy notice (pdf)

1106 Budapest Jászberényi-str. 24-36

Sándor Pető,
managing director for implementation:
+36 30 942 5363

Miklós Vojvoda,
managing director for operational business:
+36 30 467 1775

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